Kilkenny Tourism evolves to react to current economic trends
2010 saw a major review of Kilkenny Tourism. With ever changing global downward economic trends, timing was opportune to review how Kilkenny Tourism did business and how it proposed to make itself relevant to a wider community.
The Chair and Board of Management went through public consultations, hosted public forums and lead tourism training sessions. These were attended by the industry, county agencies and Failte Ireland. This open invitation welcomed new members, offered a networking forum for existing members and challenged Tourism practices and norms in a bid to ensure Kilkenny kept its offering "customer focused and innovative".
The 2010 plan which focused on a strong co-operative and Integrated Marketing approach from the Hotels, other sectors and partner agencies was set to continue. Application or funding was made by Welcome Marketing in 2009 and was successful to the tune of €200,000 and was again repeated for 2010 to continue its marketing and PR work. However Failte Ireland announced towards the end of 2010 that it would no longer fund domestic marketing for 2011 and beyond.
Primary Focus
The 2010 plan focused on
1. Hotels and other sector marketing
2. Web development and design of an online marketing strategy
3. Public Relations to ensure National Media coverage
4. UK business development via a UK sales agent for "Destination Kilkenny".
New Marketing Tools & Initiatives for 2010
In addition to the above, 2010 saw the plan deliver additional marketing tools to include:
1. Development of the Culture card initiative
2. Development of a GAA package
3. Development of an online calendar of Festivals and Events
4. Facilitation of front of house training via County familiarisation trips
5. Expansion of markets to include Business Tourism sourced via UK
6. Development of new markets via hotels and the hub" Cillin Hill "together with attractions, activities etc
7. Addition of new tour companies scheduling Kilkenny as a destination in its own right.
8. Provision of an agreed PR media brief for 2011
9. Attendance at Trade and consumer shows
10. Provision of online brochures, new look 2011 brochure and new website, www.visitkilkenny.ie
Business Tourism
As a result of co-operation between the hotels to target conferences and incentive business for the City and County, dedicated 2009/10 to working with Failte Ireland to get acknowledged as a 'mid Ireland Business Hub'.
This was further enhanced via large scale International familiarisation trips and complimented by the "business hotels" in Kilkenny collectively marketing "Destination Kilkenny" at targeted UK Professional Conference Organisers (PCO) and Incentive travel agents who bring business to Ireland.
Following a year long sales trip- new business was delivered to Kilkenny- however a specific focused business programme will be developed and implemented in 2011.
Host PR were retained by Kilkenny Tourism to attract National media attention with particular emphasis on Festivals, events and attractions.
Coverage featured in the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Sunday Times, Sunday Business Post and National Journals and magazines.
The Public Relations Role for Kilkenny Tourism is to ensure communication is ongoing to both the industry within Kilkenny and to the trade who may be in a position to deliver business into Kilkenny. A new approach will be taken with ezines, email alerts and updates to allow various databases of people to be kept informed of what is going on in Kilkenny.
All sectors were invited to participate in 'give away's and competitions' in line with the hotel promotions in particular in the form of 'value added' packages and online campaigns. This was facilitated by Welcome Marketing for Kilkenny Tourism.
Local Authority Support
The Local Authority continued to support Kilkenny Tourism through direct funding to support marketing services, staff resources, and office facilities in 2010.
The Local Authority who sponsor www.kilkenny.ie , the tourism website driving business to the county, dedicated financial support for a new improved and redesigned site for Kilkenny in 2010. The new site was completely rebranded to ensure a new "look and feel" for visitors to Kilkenny. The site now has improved navigation, content, design and social media including a face book page and twitter which deliver news and events daily keeping followers up to date on all activities, special offers, festivals and events in Kilkenny.
Welcome Marketing has assisted Kilkenny Tourism to date and will continue to attract funding and events on behalf of Kilkenny Tourism, roll out their marketing plan and develop new opportunities for Kilkenny using new product, new partners and new media channels.
2010 Marketing activities included:
- National PR exposure for Kilkenny via radio, TV and online channels
- Launch and promotion of "Kilkenny's Culture Card"- this attracted 2 new coach companies to Kilkenny for 2010
- Reprint and redesign of County Guide, maps, conference brochure
- Attendance at consumer shows in 2010 - primarily focusing on the domestic and UK markets
- Redesign and research for new website to be launched in 2011
- Sponsorship and competitions National exposure
- Attendance at industry Trade shows - Meitheal, Failte Ireland workshops etc
- Hosting of familiarisation trips aimed at Conference and Leisure markets
- Working in partnership with Failte Ireland to ensure Kilkenny was positioned as a secondary conference hub for Business Tourism.
The Board of Kilkenny Tourism meet monthly and any suggestions that you wish brought to their attention can be forwarded to info@kilkennytourism.ie